European Investment Bank

The OMEGA 8 Project

Scoping Study on the Applicability of Multi Criteria Analysis in the Appraisal of EIB Urban Projects

This study was undertaken by the OMEGA Centre on behalf of the Projects Directorate’s Regional and Urban Division (REGU) of the European Investment Bank (EIB) as a UCLC consultancy contract. Its principal aim was to assess the possible benefits of applying Policy-led Multi Criteria Analysis (PLMCA) frameworks and attendant processes for the appraisal of the division’s urban projects. The Study, which drew extensively upon the findings and lessons of the OMEGA 1, OMEGA 2 and OMEGA 3 Projects and which significantly, informed the Centre’s inputs to both the OMEGA 7 and OMEGA 9 Projects has led to the Centre success in being awarded EIB contracts for both OMEGA Projects 10 and OMEGA 12.

Project Director

Prof. Harry T. Dimitriou

Project Manager

P.G Wright

Project Consultant

Dr. E.John Ward

Dr. N. Karadimitriou

Assistant Project Consultants

Dr. Marco Dean

Project funder

Regional and Urban Development Division, European Investment Bank


