This project entailed the design, development and conduct of a series of role-playing stakeholder workshops with representatives from the private and public sector plus third sector parties with interests in the Northern Line Extension Project (NLE) in south London. It also involved the preparation of an accompanying handbook and supporting materials. The project looked to facilitate the operationalization of a policy-led multi-criteria analysis (PLMCA) appraisal framework and attendant processes from the perspective of a metropolitan public sector agency (the Greater London Authority – GLA). By undertaking an online survey and conducting three role-playing stakeholder workshops at UCL with various parties from practice this project facilitated the dissemination of OMEGA Centre international lessons and insights into mega transport infrastructure projects (especially those relating to the use of more holistic approach to project appraisal) to the heart of megaproject infrastructure practice in the UK in a more speedy and effective manner than might otherwise have been possible.
The project was intended to help create a longer-term legacy of the OMEGA Centre research by assisting the possible future launch of OMEGA megaproject short executive programmes for industry and government and the production of accompanying materials, on the basis of the findings resulting from the interaction between key NLE stakeholders on the application of OMEGA findings to practice. Following the completion of this project the OMEGA Centre was commissioned by the European Investment Bank (EIB) to advice its Projects Directorate on how to employ PLMCA to the appraisal of EIB projects.
September 18th 2013 | Workshop #1, London, UK
October 18th 2013 | PLMCA Workshop #2, London, UK
November 11th 2013 | PLMCA Workshop #3, London, UK
November 22nd 2013 | PLMCA Workshop #4, London, UK
Urban Transport Planning: A developmental approach, Harry T. Dimitriou, Routledge, London, 1992 and 2010
Urban Transport in the Developing World: A handbook of policy and practice edited by Harry T. Dimitriou and Ralph Gakenheimer, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2011
Transport Planning for Third World Citiesedited by Harry T. Dimitriou, Routledge, London, 1990 and 2012
Mega Projects – Executive Summary of Lessons for Decision-Makers: An Analyis of Selected International Large-Scale Transport Infrastructure Projects, OMEGA Centre, University College London, December, 2012
Mega Transport Projects – Beyond the ‘Iron Triangle’: Findings from the OMEGA research programme, Harry T. Dimitriou, E. John Ward and Philip G. Wright, Progress in Planning, Vol. 86, November, 2013
‘What Constitutes a “Successful” Mega Transport Project?’ edited by Harry T. Dimitriou, Planning Theory and Practice, Interface Section, Vol. 15, Issue 3, 2014
Application of Policy-Led Multi-Criteria Analysis to Mega Transport Infrastructure Project Appraisal, edited by Harry T. Dimitriou, Journal of Research in Transportation Economics, Vol. 58, October, 2016