VREF Research Brief – Mega Transport Projects and Success

The VREF release its first Research Brief as short-form summaries of research findings in topics of relevance to the VREF Future Urban Transport Program.

The form for VREF Research Briefs is a 2-pager text with some illustrations, representing and summarising state-of-the-art and/or latest new research findings. VREF Research Briefs are written in a “popular science” style, with well-informed policy makers, practitioners and researchers as the target audience.

Abstract: Across the globe, Mega Transport Projects have aroused controversy about their ability to deliver the infrastructure, services and associated developments they promise. This Research Brief presents key lessons and insights derived from a synthesis of findings from 30 international MTP case studies in ten countries.

Authors: Harry T. Dimitriou, Philip G. Wright, E. John Ward

Link to the Brief: Mega Transport Projects and Success

omega centre
