CODATU XIII Conference, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

CODATU: Cooperation for urban mobility in the developing world – held its 13th international conference between 12th-14thNovember 2008 at Hô Chi Minh City in Vietnam this year focusing on the theme: Sustainable Development Challenges of Transport in Cities of the Developing World: (Doing what works!). As Co-Chairman of the Conference’s International Scientific Committee, Prof. Dimitriou attended this conference and apart from giving an opening and closing addresses he also presented a paper derived from his OMEGA research entitled: Mega Transport Projects, Globalisation and Private Finance: Some emerging developments’.

Arising from the Conference Prof. Dimitriou was able to extract an agreement from the General Secretary of CODATU (Prof. Jean-Claude Ziv) that at the next conference – scheduled in 2010 in Buenos Aires – COTADU would have a special session on mega projects at which the OMEGA Team and its Partners plus any other interested parties would be invited to submit papers. A similar agreement was reached with the Chairman of the World Conference on Transport Research Society (Prof. Tony May) for the next WCTR conference scheduled in Lisbon in 2010. All OMEGA team members and partners are encouraged to prepare/submit papers for these forthcoming events bearing in mind that the CODATU conference is especially focused on developing countries and that WCTRS has a publishing outlet.

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